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Deep Reset 3.1

3. Januar 2024 | 16:00 - 7. Januar 2024 | 15:00



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Deep Reset 3.1 – Advanced
Only for advanced practitioners
Instructors: Sonja Flandorfer, Maximilian Freiler und Michael Nuss 

Go consciously into the new year and connect with your inner power!

This retreat is only suitable for advanced Wim Hof practitioners with strong physical fitness and cold experience!

Quote participant Martin Zeitz: „Who has not experienced the „Deep Reset“ himself, will not be able to understand the magic, the indescribable fascination and the incredible power inherent in these completely crazy days.“

Deep Reset 3.1 for advanced students who want to go even deeper and reach the next level.
Duration: 3.1.2024 – 7.1.2024
Exclusively for advanced students.
Basic condition: Really feel comfortable in the cold, breathing experience and 5 hours hiking in the mountains must be possible.

Language: Englisch
Until 15 September 2023 – € 1,499,–.
Late bookers, if there are still places available: From 16 September 2023 – € 1.999,–.

Extra to pay:
4 nights incl. full board, water, tea, coffee for the discounted price of € 93,–/night.
We have reserved the rooms for you, please pay on site. The rooms are 2 to 3 bed rooms. For couples there are double rooms.

More informations HERE

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3. Januar 2024 | 16:00
7. Januar 2024 | 15:00


Pensjonat Olympia
Karkonoska 1
Przesieka, 58-563 Polen
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